Thursday, March 24, 2011
Public Play at a Slosh!
"Um...I can't remember. Use it so I can see."
"[wince] ...Right side."
So, the other night I went to a slosh in town with Georgie, Eve, and Miomi. Georgie and I had gotten in touch the day before, and she told me that Eve was giving her a set of protocols and commands for the evening. Not one to be upstaged, I asked if she would like any hypnotic triggers for the evening - and she enthusiastically wrote up a list of requests.
First, I popped over to Georgie's place to refresh and reinforce her existing triggers as well as add some of her requests. [Lots of "re" words in that sentence.] I triggered her into subspace, commanding her to repeat the mantra "I am a docile, obedient pet" to deepen her submission.
Once that was done, I used her trance trigger and worked on creating a more mindless trance that we could use for amnesia and sensation triggers - she wanted to try a "time stop" freeze trigger that left her unaware of what happened while she was frozen, as well as some more complex behaviors that she would forget afterward. Well, the unawareness and amnesia parts didn't quite work out - but we got a new state out of the attempt, a state where she was a mindless puppet with no thoughts, no feelings, just obedience. I ordered her to bring me a glass of water, and watched as she sleepwalked through the task and brought it to me. She didn't like this state as much as her subspace trigger - she felt less like she was compelled to obey and more like she had nothing better to do than follow my orders. The subspace trigger also gave her more room for happy-go-subby kind of feelings. Still, the state seems like it will be useful for other suggestions we've thought of doing down the line - and her preference gives me a few ideas, too. >:)
The puppet trance (as we ended up calling it) was handy for setting up some sensation triggers. After trying out a few different ones, I settled on giving her a mild pleasure trigger (usable by Eve and me) and an open trigger for feeling a hard spank (as detailed in the introduction of this post). She wanted it open, so I figured I'd use a word that would come up naturally at a slosh, what with the waiter taking everyone's orders and all the doms talking about the orders they give their subs. Didn't seem to work out quite like that (the conversation in the intro was started when Georgie and I explained to Eve and Miomi why we were disappointed with the waiter's word choices), but she and I nevertheless had fun all night with the trigger.
First, though, we continued the prep session with a few brief scenes: I froze her and put her in a nice glamor pose [...I messed up the photograph of it, though], then dropped her into subspace. I had her give me a shoulder rub, then put her on all fours for a quick spanking. Brief, but very, very hot for both of us. :D
Anyway, at the actual slosh, I spent a little bit of time giving Georgie her orders and quick bits of pleasure, showing both triggers off to Eve. Eve herself was responsible for putting restrictions on Georgie's clothing and speech, although I did not get to see how much that played out. I did get to watch when Eve had Georgie go to the bathroom and discreetly hand Eve her panties upon returning, which Eve pocketed for the night. After that, the two of them headed out to join the smoke-break crowd while I stuck around inside to chill with Miomi and meet some new people.
One of those new people was a lady relatively new to the group, who shall be called Joan, who was slightly skeptical and very curious about hypnosis. I explained some of the various applications, perhaps not terribly well, before the conversation moved on a little. Once Georgie and Eve came back inside, though, I brought Georgie over to give Joan a practical demonstration. I froze Georgie, and posed her while explaining that I could move her around like a doll or action figure - and Joan exclaimed that it was totally hot. I then bound Georgie's hand to the table we were sitting at to show the bondage applications. The two of us expounded to Joan about hypnotically induced orgasms and other cool bits...and Joan asked if hypnosis could be used to inflict pain, too. So I gave Georgie an order, and Joan's skepticism faded a lot once she say Georgine jumping in her seat at the word.
Georgie then egged me on to try a handshake induction on Joan, but I found the double-talk surrounding the negotiation very uncomfortable - I've obviously had a few fails with the Ericksonian handshake, and wasn't feeling very confident about it. So, once Joan got fed up with the two of us talking in circles and demanded to know if she was getting hypnotized or not, I went with the handy-dandy hands-stuck induction on her. Her face was very animated as I froze her hands together, with a few visible grimaces of effort and/or surprise when she couldn't pull her hands apart. I hit my stride with my patter and speed-relaxed her [how's that for a bizarre contradiction in terms?], then, since she seemed so enthused by watching it, froze her in place using that same patter, having her relaxation turn to stiffness, and posed her a little so that she could get a feel for it.
I then brought Joan out of trance, and she was quite happy with the experience - she was fascinated with how she felt like she was going along with what I said, but nonetheless she could not move when I froze her. Georgie and I introduced her to Eve before the night was over, and the three of us headed out (Miomi found some other people to hang out with to end the night). The possibility of a play party down the line was brought up...that would be awesome if it ever occurs. :)
So...that night rocked. Unfortunately, I had an early morning the next day, so I couldn't stick around Georgie's place afterward while she and Eve checked out some outfits to incorporate into our play. But then, that play will be happening, so I'm quite looking forward to it!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Switching with Miomi
Life has been crazy lately. Crazy awesome, but still crazy. So there hasn't been much time for sexytimes, and even less time for blogging about them.
(Technically, there has been time, but other things have kept me busy and feeling like I shouldn't be blogging.)
So, in the time that I haven't been blogging, I had an utterly excellent session with Miomi. We met at a munch - she was new to the group and very shy, so my friends and I invited her to join us for a lengthy hang-out afterward. 'Twas good fun, and she and I got in touch later to schedule a hypnosis session.
Since she's a cuddly one, I went with a progressive relaxation induction with cuddles and petting. Great way to do an induction, since it's effective, simple, and has some neat dominance overtones to it. She was a great example of Lady Ru'etha's declaration that "depth is bullshit" - Miomi didn't go incredibly deep, but she was in a highly suggestible state that allowed for all kinds of fun.
Miomi's a furry - wolf fursona - which gave me some imagery to play with. I prefer to tailor my suggestions, terminology, and dominating style to the person I'm domming - and having something like the furry "fursona" gives me something to guide my choices. I played into pet/master gestures the whole session. I enjoyed the way she whispered "Mmm...scritches" every single time I tickled/scratched her under the chin, like it was automatic (I think my love of hypnotic triggers speaks to why I would find that hot). Building off these gestures, I channeled it into some petplay, turning her into an obedient wolf cub through hypnotic suggestion. It was more of the same, with the addition of her words being replaced with growls as she padded around on all fours...she liked it a lot. :)
[Just an aside: what is the DEAL with the hate-on for furries?! I don't see it as much around Fet, but, for crying out loud, it's just people who like anthropomorphized animals. And the furry fetishists are seriously no weirder than other fetishists...I'm turned on by blank stares, monotone voices, people holding poses for a long time, and all kinds of odd things, you can't tell me that's any less odd than being a furry.]
Miomi let me try something that I had never gotten to do before: making a non-ticklish person ticklish! I've wanted to do this ever since I first made a ticklish person feel nothing while getting tickled. She's not completely un-ticklish...but tickling her normally requires some deep digging into her sides. Anyway, this gave me a fun way to dominate her, pinning her down with a burst of tickles after triggering her ticklishness. I also did an awesome ropeless bondage scene with this, where her arms were bound to the bedposts and her legs were covered by pillows - each pillow hypnotically suggested to be too heavy to move. Then I swooped in for the tickle torture and whatever other pleasurable avenues I chose to take. >:D
At one point, I also gave her a hypnotic ball gag. She was impressed by how well she felt it holding her mouth open as I took the opportunity to play with her...
Aside from these novelties, the session had a lot of the fun tricks that I've done with Georgie and Pet Ferret: vulva-hands, freezing, robot. Miomi didn't seem particularly attached to the hypnosis effects outside of the unique sensations and petplay...she said that being hypnotized felt like just another way to be submissive, and just as good as feeling subby through other means. So, due to her blanket go-ahead in the negotiation, I demonstrated a lot of things to see if any of my favorites struck her fancy (she's quite curious, and was up for anything I threw at her), then focused on sensation-oriented suggestions like the ticklishness trigger and the vulva-hands when that seemed to come out on top.
The vulva-hands scene was quite excellent, as it happens. Miomi registered it differently than Georgie does - she felt the sensations on her palms duplicated on her clit, rather than experiencing her hands as erogenous zones. It still led to her panting and moaning facedown into the bed as I worked both hands to create a nice, powerful doubled sensation. I might have to work on really mapping out this whole hands = vulva deal so that I can mix up the pleasure I provide with it.
Toward the end of the session, the control of the session shifted toward Miomi. As she put it, she had such a fantastic time subbing for me that she repaid the favor by letting me get all subby.
(How's that for a reversal of the stereotyped dynamic...I've read chances to dominate described as rewards in stories and in people's perceptions of BDSM. Here, subbing was seen as the position with the greater capacity for pleasure, and therefore the more rewarding position between a pair of switches.)
Now, when I'm domming, I tend to focus extensively on giving my partner pleasure. Subbing for Miomi helped me articulate one of the reasons why I do this: when I am receiving a lot of pleasure, "in control" is one of the last phrases I'd pick to describe myself. In this case, with Miomi scratching my neck just right (she found a sweet spot that I didn't even know existed...), I was a curled up little ball of submissiveness who couldn't manage much more thought or speech than a meek "Thank you, ma'am." My eyes closed naturally as I curled up to her (I mentioned in my last post how much I enjoy blindfolds - lack of vision reinforces that feeling of losing control, and also helps me focus more on the stimulation that I am feeling), and then her hot breath against my ear, and the gentle nibbles and the licks, drove me into incoherence. I simply felt all need to have control slip away from me, and I melted against Miomi.
I guess I have to emphasize here how much my sensitivity affects the way that I process pleasure. To me, feeling pleasure can be absolutely overwhelming. Intimidating, even. For example, I love a good low-key backrub, but a more advanced one (like the truly amazing ones Georgie does!) will have me thrashing in ecstasy, and I'll need to ask for a break after just a few seconds. This is probably why I am the first person to list "pleasure torture" as a fetish on Fetlife - the intensity of some pleasure is so great for me that I have to ask for mercy, and prolonged pleasurable acts (such as hot breath on my ears) feel wonderful and scary at the same time. Miomi really drove this home with the skilled way that she worked my neck and ears - any hint of dominance collapsed under the onslaught of sensation.
(So...I guess this is my subspace? Triggered by intense pleasure, leaving me meek and reactive while I close my eyes and don't speak much.)
She slipped into the role fluidity really well, too! It sort of went back and forth as each of us would do these little dominating gestures to shift control one way or another. For the climax of the session, I put her back under and gave her the suggestion that her desire to get topped again would grow the more she topped me, until she was absolutely ready to go back to subbing. Then I indulged my subbiness for just a touch longer than she wanted, before taking back firm control with her trance trigger and bringing her to her knees. >:)
(Can't say that this suggestion affected basically played into how the two of us were feeling anyway...)
So, to sum up: fun, fun session. Also probably the single longest one-on-one erotic hypnosis session that i have done. Miomi enjoyed it muchly - and I got an even more delicious taste of the subby side of things, which helped me better articulate some aspects of my sexuality. That's pretty much cool outcomes all around!